
HOME | Data Humanism | Senior Project Slideshow

This survey was shared with the Upper School community via email, and the survey was created with Google Forms.

Click the green tabs for some fun data visualizations of some of the questions!

Sections Questions
Who Makes Up Hewitt Upper School 1. Grade
2. Race/Ethnicity
3. Place of Birth
Commute & After School Involvment 1. Length of commute + Way of Transportation
2. City/State They Live
3. Extra-curricular Involvment?
4. Does Commute Affect Extra-curricular Involvment?
Upper Schoolers Mood/Mental Health Currently 1. Feeling Overall
2. Stress (1-10 Scale)
3. Main cause of stress?
Upper Schoolers Feelings About Hewitt 1. How long have they been at Hewitt?
2. Rate experience (1-10 Scale)
3. Name an area of improvement
Feelings About Data 1. When they hear data what do they immediately think of?